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Lee, Nala H. 2024. Why is monitoring the loss of variability still relevant? A creolist’s perspective. International Conference on Language Variation in Europe 12. 8-11 July, Austrian Academy of Science/ University of Vienna, Austria.

Lee, Nala H. 2024. Language endangerment and its socio-structural consequences in  Baba Malay [keynote]. The 27th International Symposium on Malay/Indonesian Linguistics. 5-6 June, National University of Singapore.

Lee, Nala H. 2024. The endangerment of Baba Malay and the challenges ahead [invited]. UCLA International Symposium on Research and Teaching of Endangered and Marginalized Languages in East and Southeast Asia. 3-4 May. University of California Los Angeles.

Lee, Nala H. 2024. Baba Malay: Evolving ecologies, evolving language [invited]. Bringing Southeast Asia Home NUS speaker series. Online, Carolina Asia Centre, UNC Chapell Hill.

Nala H. Lee. 2023. Sociolinguistics and the endangerment of Baba Malay [keynote]. Asian Junior Linguist Conference. 17 November. National University of Singapore, Singapore


Nala H. Lee. 2022. The spatial network properties of endangered languages [invited]. 13 April. SOAS Linguistic Webinars.

Nala H. Lee. 2021. Investigating Baba Malay's early creole continuum. New Ways of Analyzing Variation-Asia Pacific. 17-20 February. National University of Singapore, Singapore.


Nala H. Lee. 2019. Negotiating Chinese identity in Baba Malay. Diversity and Singapore Ethnic Chinese Communities. 13-14 April. NUS Chinese Department and the Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre, Singapore.

Nala H. Lee. 2019. The use of Quizlet in language revitalization by the Peranakans. Poster presented at the 6th International Conference on Language Documentation and Conservation. 28 Feb-3 March. University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, USA.

Nala H. Lee. 2018.  Peranakans in Singapore and language reclamation. Invited round table session. Documentary Linguistics-Asian Perspectives. 23-24 July. Mahidol University, Thailand.

Nala H. Lee. 2018. The levels of endangerment of pidgins, creoles and mixed languages around the world. Workshop on the Sociolinguistics of Language Endangerment. International Congress of Linguists. 2-6 July. Cape Town, South Africa. 

Nala H. Lee. 2018. The vitality status of contact languages with a focus on English-lexified ones. [Invited presentation.] Language vitality in the world of Englishes. 15-17 March. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

Nala H. Lee. 2018. The vitality statuses of contact languages around the world. Society of Pidgin and Creole Linguistics Winter Meeting. 4-7 January. Salt Lake City, Utah.

Nala H. Lee., and Miguel Escobar. 2017. Transforming documentation in the Contemporary Wayang Archive. [Invited presentation.] Documentary Linguistics-Asian Perspectives. 25-27 May. University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Nala H. Lee. 2016. Variation in F2: Its role in a refined-coarse contrast in a creole. Workshop at the 5th Joint Meeting of the Acoustic Society of America and Acoustical Society of Japan. 28 November- 2 December 2016.Honolulu, Hawaii.

Nala H. Lee. 2016. How quantitative perceptual methods illuminate a coarse-refined contrast in an endangered creole. New Ways of Analyzing Variation-Asia Pacific. 22-24 April.National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan.

Nala H. Lee. 2016. Experimental work in the field: Examining the refined-coarse contrast in Baba Malay. Documentary Linguistics-Asian Perspectives. 6-9 April. University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Nala H. Lee. 2016. The Language Endangerment Index: A Southeast Asian perspective. Documentary Linguistics-Asian Perspectives. 6-9 April. University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Nala H. Lee. 2015. Is it or is it not Baba Malay? Examining the perception of a refined-coarse contrast. Sociolunch. 4th November. Stanford University, USA.


Nala H. Lee. 2015. What type of language is Baba Malay? Asian Linguistics Workshop. 29 October. Stanford University, USA.

Nala H. Lee.  2015. Baba Malay: not one but two varieties. Society of Pidgin and Creole Linguistics Winter Meeting. 8-11 January. Portland, Oregon.


Nala H. Lee. 2014. What type of language is Baba Malay? Tuesday Seminar Series. 26 September. University of Hawai'i at Manoa.


Van Way, John, and Nala Huiying Lee. 2014. The Language Endangerment Index (LEI) created and used for the Catalogue of Endangered Languages (ELCat). Poster presented at the University of Hawaii International Symposium of Linguistics, 50th Anniversary of the Department of Linguistics. 7 Mar. University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, USA.


Nala Huiying Lee. 2013. Endangerment and Decreolization of Baba Malay: Vowel Loss. Paper presented at the 9th International Symposium on Bilingualism. 10-13 June. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


Campbell, Lyle; Nala Huiying Lee; Eve Okura; Sean Simpson; Kaori Ueki and John Van Way. 2013. New knowledge: findings from the Catalogue of Endangered Languages (ELCat). Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Language Documentation and Conservation. 28 Feb-3 Mar. University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, USA.


Van Way, John, and Nala Huiying Lee. 2013. Assessing levels of endangerment in the Catalogue of Endangered Languages (ELCat). Poster presented at the 3rd International Conference on Language Documentation and Conservation. 28 Feb-3 Mar. University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, USA.


Lee, N.H. 2012. Relativization and the Lexifier Effect. Linguistic Society of America- Society of Pidgin and Creole Linguistics. 5-7 January. Portland, Oregon.


Campbell, L., N.H Lee, E. Okura and J. Van Way. 2011. Creating the Catalogue of the Endangered Languages of the World (ELCat). Tuesday Seminar Series. 11 October. University of Hawai'i at Manoa.


Lee, N.H. 2011. Word Order Typology of Baba Malay and Bazaar Malay: Differences between an expanded pidgin and a creole. The 21st Anniversary Annual Conference of Southeast Asian Linguistics Society. 11-13 May. Kasetsart University, Thailand.


Lee, N.H. 2010. One lexifier, two substrates and the lexifier effect. Tuesday Seminar Series. 28 September. University of Hawai'i at Manoa.


Lee, N.H. 2009. One lexifier, two substrates and the lexifier effect. Society of Pidgin and Creole Linguistics. 11- 15 August. University of Cologne, Germany.


Nomoto, H. & N.H. Lee. 2008. Modality in disguise: A case study of Colloquial Singapore English got. Chronos 8- International Conference on Tense, Aspect, Mood and Modality. 3-5 October. University of Texas, Austin, USA.


Nomoto, H & N.H. Lee. 2008. More than temporality: Ambiguity resolution of tense, aspect and modality in the instances of Singlish got. Linguistics Colloquia. 12 September. University of Minnesota, USA.


Lee, N.H. 2007. Prosody and prosodic aspects of multilingual motherese in Singapore: A case study. The 30th Anniversary Child Language Seminar 2007. 18-20 July. University of Reading, UK.

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