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If you would like a preprint of any finalised articles, do write to me. I'd be happy to send them your way.


Lee, N.H. In prep. Language in Society. Routledge.


Lee, N.H. 2024. The early Baba Malay continuum. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 39(2): 339-364


Lee, N.H. 2023. Variability or its loss in creole endangerment: the case of Baba Malay. Asia-Pacific Language Variation 9(1): 59-82.


Lee, N.H., C. Siew, and N. Ng. 2022. The network nature of language endangerment hotspots. Scientific Reports 12: 10803.


Lee, N.H. 2022. Speech style variation in an endangered language. Linguistic Vanguard. 2022: 20210029.


Chacon, Thiago C., N.H. Lee, and W.D.L. Silva (eds.) 2022. Language Change and Linguistic Diversity: Studies in Honour of Lyle Campbell. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.


Lee, N.H. 2022. A grammar of modern Baba Malay. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.


Lee, N. H. 2022. Managing data for writing a grammar. In Andrea L. Berez-Kroeker, Bradley McDonnell, & Eve Koller (eds.) The Open Handbook of Linguistic Data Management. MIT Press: Open Handbooks in Linguistics series. 287-299.


Lee, N. H. 2021. Pidgin and creole languages of South and Southeast Asia. In Umberto Ansaldo and Meriam Meyerhoff (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Pidgin and Creole Languages. London/New York: Routledge. 74-87.


Lee, N.H. 2020. Style variation in the second formant: What does it mean to be "refined" in Baba Malay. Linguistic Ecology. 4(1): 115-130.


Lee, N. H. 2020. Utilizing the matched-guise as a method of examining perceptual change in an endangered creole. Applied Linguistics. 42(2): 207-229.


Lee, N. H. 2020. Status of endangered contact languages of the world. Annual Review of Linguistics 6:301-318.


Lee, N. H. 2019. Peranakans in Singapore: Responses to language endangerment and documentation. In Mário Pinharanda-Nunes & Hugo C. Cardoso (eds.), Documentation and Maintenance of Contact Languages from South Asia to East Asia. Language Documentation & Conservation 19: 123- 140. 


Varela, Miguel E. and Nala H. Lee. 2018. Language documentation: a reference point for theatre and performance archives? International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media 14(1): 17-33.


Lee, N. H. 2018. Baba Malay: Diverging trends in two ecologies. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 33(1):135-172.


Lee, N. H. and J. Van Way. 2018. Assessing degrees of language endangerment. In K. Rehg and L. Campbell (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Endangered Languages. Oxford University Press. 48-65.


Camp, A, L. Campbell, V. Chen, N. H. Lee, M. Magnuson, C. Mann, and S. Rarrick. 2018. Writing grammars of endangered languages. In K. Rehg and L. Campbell (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Endangered Languages. Oxford University Press. 271-304.


Lee, N. H. and J. Van Way. 2018. The language endangerment index. In L. Campbell and A. Belew (eds.) Cataloguing the World's Endangered Languages. Routledge. 66-78


Lee, N. H. 2018. Contact languages around the world and their levels of endangerment. Language Documentation & Conservation. 12: 53-79


Lee, N. H. 2017. The vitality or endangerment of some non-indigenous languages: a response to Mufwene. Language. 93(4): e234-e242,


Lee, N.H. and J. Van Way. 2016. Assessing levels of endangerment in the Catalogue of Endangered Languages (ELCat) using the Language Endangerment Index (LEI). In Language in Society 45(2): 271-292.


Lee, N.H. and J. Van Way. 2016. Author's response to Grenoble on the Language Endangerment Index. In Language in Society. 45(2): 301-303. N. H. Lee and J. Van Way.  


Lee, N.H. 2014. A Grammar of Baba Malay with Sociophonetic Considerations. PhD in Linguistics dissertation. University of Hawai'i at Manoa.


Lee, N.H. 2013. Review of Shure WH30XLR cardioid headset microphone and Countryman E6 omnidirectional earset microphone. In Language Documentation & Conservation. 7:177-184.


Lee, N.H. 2012. Multidisciplinary perspectives on the Austronesian Homeland: A critique. In Working Papers in Linguistics: University of Hawai'i at Manoa 43(4):1-15.


Nomoto, Hiroki and Nala Huiying Lee. 2012. Realis, factuality and derived-level statives: Perspectives from the analysis of Singlish got. In C. Nishida and C. Russi (eds.) Building a bridge between linguistic communities of the Old and the New World: Current research in tense, aspect, mood and modality. Cahier Chronos 25. 219-239. Amsterdam: Rodopi.


Lee, N.H. 2011. Brain and Language. In Jacob Terrell (ed) An Introduction to the Study of Language. Class Reader. Honolulu: Linguistics Society of Hawaii. 128-138.


Lee, N.H. 2010. What are Singaporean babies actually listening to? Prosodic aspects of multilingual motherese in Singapore. In M. Cruz-Ferreira (ed) Multilingual Norming. Peter Lang. 141-172.


Lee, N.H., H. Nomoto & A. Ling. 2009. Colloquial Singapore English got: functions and substratal influences. In World Englishes 28(3): 293-319.


Lee, N.H. 2006. A survey of the current research on language norming in Singapore: A report on the 2nd Singapore Child Language Special Interest Group Meeting. In Singapore Association of Applied Linguistics Quarterly 76: 8-11.


Lee, N.H. 2009. Master of Arts (Research) Thesis: One substrate, two lexifiers and the lexifier effect. Advisor: Associate Professor Bao Zhiming. National University of Singapore.

Lee, N.H. 2006. Bachelor of Arts with Honors (English Language) Thesis: Prosody and prosodic strategies of multilingual motherese in Singapore. Advisor: Dr. Madalena Cruz- Ferreira. National University of Singapore.

©2023 BY NALA H. LEE.

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